Sorcha Eastwood Question Time

Alliance MLA Sorcha Eastwood Goes Head-to-Head with DUP's Jeffrey Donaldson on BBC's Question Time

Eastwood Uses Donaldson's Own Words Against Him

Alliance Party MLA Sorcha Eastwood confronted DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson with his past statements on BBC's Question Time, leaving the audience cheering.

On Thursday evening, October 19th, 2023, Sorcha Eastwood and Jeffrey Donaldson had a heated exchange on the BBC's popular political discussion program "Question Time," which was hosted in Lisburn, Northern Ireland. Eastwood, an Alliance MLA, criticized Donaldson's previous statements on Sinn Féin, using his own words against him.

Eastwood pointed out that Donaldson had previously denounced Sinn Féin for boycotting the Northern Ireland Assembly. She then challenged Donaldson, asking him if he still stood by those comments. Donaldson defended his position, arguing that Sinn Féin was trying to "undermine" the Assembly by refusing to take their seats.

The audience responded with a large applause when Eastwood pointed out that Donaldson had made comments on a past edition of Question Time in which he decried Sinn Fein for not taking their seats in the Assembly. She challenged Donaldson, asking if he still stood by those comments.

The debate between Eastwood and Donaldson highlighted the ongoing tensions between the Alliance Party and the DUP, two of the main political parties in Northern Ireland. The Alliance Party is a cross-community party that seeks to bridge the divide between unionists and nationalists, while the DUP is a unionist party that is opposed to Irish reunification.

The heated exchange between Eastwood and Donaldson on "Question Time" is a sign of the growing tensions in Northern Irish politics. As the region approaches the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, there is a growing sense of uncertainty about the future of Northern Ireland and its relationship with the rest of the UK.

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