Brownsville Tx Climate

Brownsville Climate and Weather


Brownsville, Texas experiences long, hot summers and short, cool winters. The average annual temperature is 73.4°F (23°C).


The summer months (June-September) are characterized by hot and humid weather, with average high temperatures in the upper 80s to low 90s Fahrenheit (30-34°C).


The winter months (December-February) are generally mild, with average high temperatures in the mid-60s Fahrenheit (18°C). However, occasional cold spells can bring brief periods of freezing temperatures.


Brownsville receives an average of 28 inches of rain per year, which is below the national average of 38 inches. The majority of precipitation occurs during the summer months when thunderstorms are common.


Brownsville typically does not experience snowfall, with an average of 0 inches per year.

Climate Summary

Brownsville's climate is subtropical, with distinct seasons characterized by warm temperatures, ample sunshine, and moderate humidity. The city's proximity to the Gulf of Mexico contributes to its mild winter weather, making it an attractive destination for those seeking a warm escape during the colder months.

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